Willing the Clients You Desire

It’s one thing to write for yourself and make a living through your writing, but it is quite another to write about things you want, and for clients you love. Here’s a few ways I willed exciting and fun entrepreneurs onto my client list.

1. Seek out clients with the energy you’d like to embody. 

This is a big one for me. I sought out many female entrepreneurs who were using their creativity to make a life for themselves, because that is what I wanted for myself as well. I looked for men and women who exuded a certain sense of passion, whether that manifested itself as design work, architecture, online marketing, or menswear. The subject mattered less to me than the energy of the client themselves. Finding strong, happy and creative clients became the name of the game for me.

2. Believe you are capable of working with and for the best. 

Putting out the energy of self-confidence and self-worth is crucial to making the perfect pitch. You have to believe you are worth $100-$150 per post if you ever expect to demand it. Positive affirmations became a staple of my morning routine and I watched how differently potential clients began responding to my pitches when I began believing in myself. Belief that you can garner high-paying clients with interesting work is the first step to actually manifesting it.

3. ….and of course, don’t be afraid to work hard. 

Part of my hippie voodoo magic is believing in the power of creative thought, but you can say all the positive affirmations you want, if you don’t have the discipline to send out 100 excellent pitches a day in the beginning, you aren’t going to get anywhere. Hard work and discipline are rewarded in kind by the universe, a universe that recognizes your effort and commitment to greatness. There’s nothing like a little elbow grease to get the universe’s attention and create a maelstorm of energy that brings in what you want.

I hope this post perked your interest in the possibility of magic and co-creating the life you want through freelance writing. Just remember, hard work and staying positive is half the battle!


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